Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Has it been a year already???

Yikes, time flies! It's utterly amazing to me that so much happens in a year, yet when I go to write about it I'm at a loss for words.

Let's begin.

My newest grandson Kerrick was born this year. I was honored to be with Kerry and Jordan when the baby was born. It was an amazing experience I will remember always. I had never witnessed a birth besides my own children, and that was through a tiny mirror. This little guy is special (as are all my grandchildren…) and I love spending time with him and watching him grow and progress.

Kerry and Jordan sold their townhouse in August with the idea that they would buy another place quickly. Well, things happen and they ended up living with us in Salem for 4 months. They've since moved to a house in Battle Ground, Washington. I manage to get up there every week or so to visit and check in with the boss - Kerrick.

He is an adorable and sweet little boy. A big plus is that he seems to like me too! We have a lot of fun playing and every time I see him I'm stunned at what he's learned.

My daughter Amy had a scare this year. She found a suspicious mole that turned out to be Melanoma. So far so good. They believe that got it early and she goes in for regular checks. I'm thankful to the doctors that have treated her, and pray that they will continue to be diligent.

My son Steve was able to finally buy a house and moved in at Christmas time. I haven't seen the house yet, but hope to after I return from a trip to the Philippines I'm going on in a few weeks. I'll be traveling with my brother Jim and my grandniece Jessica. I think we will have a great time.

I think my spring will be busy. After the Philippines I want to go to California and see Steve's house and family, then to Austin Texas to see Kevin and his family. Kevin has been looking for a house, too and hopefully will get in one soon. He and Steve are both very handy so home improvements will be great fun for them. They both continue to work for Apple.

I get to visit with my friend Sandy often. It's still so cool to have found each other after all these years.

Time to get some sleep. Maybe I'll write again before next year!