Sunday, October 16, 2011

Catching up...

Summer is over and it looks like Winter is creeping in a little bit at a time. It's well past time for me to catch up my blog.

I haven't written much lately, and I suppose that's pretty evident by the dates of previous posts. It's not so much that there hasn't been a lot to write about - I think it's more that I have no idea how to approach it all.

All of my kids and grandkids had opportunities this summer to visit at the beach. Ben and Ryann were with me the most since they needed a little supervision while mom and dad were at work, and frankly...I had that kind of time. We went through several sessions of swimming lessons and they have turned into strong swimmers. I'm really excited about that since they were both non-swimmers when we started our swim project last summer with one round of swim lessons. In fact ALL my grandkids had the opportunity to take swim lessons in Lincoln City and are all certified swimmers with the exception of Ceddy - but he'll certify next year I'm sure. We had one little...huh...incident at the pool during a free swim. All of the kids were there with me in the pool. Juliet is the youngest and very confident in the water (her other grandparents have a pool at home, so the girls have learned really well.) Ceddy saw Juliet and all the other kids jumping off the dive board and decided if they could do it (I mean, after all, Juliet is younger than he is!) then he certainly could do it.

Well. He couldn't do it. He jumped off the dive board with confidence and then just waited for the swimming to kick in. It did not. I was too far away to reach him quickly so I got the lifeguards attention and let him know that Ceddy was NOT a swimmer. He tried to get Ceddy to reach for the floatie which I guess is the first thing you do. He didn't get it, so the lifeguard had to jump in and save him.

I had a very detailed heart-to-heart with Ceddy after this all happened and we decided that he would never...ever...try that again...not until he has a swim teacher sign him off for it. He agreed that he almost died (he was very pragmatic about all this...) and vowed not to attempt it again. I should mention that Ceddy is seven years old, and very much lives in Ceddy-world most of the time. Ceddy-world is a place filled with super heroes and bad guys who can be dispatched with light sabers and sound effects. Ceddy rules Ceddy-world with an iron fist and a heart of gold.

Our beach summer was filled with sand, hikes, rock hunts, shopping, swimming, climbing wall challenges and Dairy Queen Blizzards.  Someday soon I'll transcribe the notes my grands have left in my guest book. The guest book has turned into a diary of sorts, and the kids notes are priceless.

We also took family pictures this summer, which I'll post below.

William showing Ryann how to scale a wall...

Juliet uses her cuteness to scam a ride across the pool from her teacher

 Wills and Ryann climbing...must note that Wills, Ben, Ryann and Ceddy reached the top that day.

Ceddy and Ryann

Ben reaching the 'summit'

I add this photo of Maddie that her mom took, just because she's so darn gorgeous!

My children: Amy, Kerry, Kevin and Steve.
From the top row: Sophia (6), Maddie(15)
Middle row: Ben (11), Wills(13), Ryann(9) and Pierre (9) (making a face...yeah, I noticed)
Front: Juliet(5) and Cedric(7)

FYI: Maddie, Wills, Pierre and Ceddy are Steve and Beth's kids
Ben and Ryann are Amy and Shane's kids
Sophia and Juliet are Kevin and Stephanie's kids.

Maddie and Ben setting out on their river adventure. Ceddy is providing moral support.

All my little darlin's on the run

Steve's Family

Amy's Family

Kevin's Family

Auntie Kizzy and her baby dolls.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Senior WHAT???

I suppose it had to happen someday. Somehow I thought it would be years from now. Perhaps that was wishful thinking. It had a devastating effect on me - so devastating I can barely talk about it without ranting. I'm holding in my feelings.

What happened you ask? I'll tell you...

Some young woman in a clothing store asked me if I wanted the senior discount. Can you believe it????

In the not-so-distant past if a clerk asked me such a question it was always with a 'I-know-you-can't-POSSIBLY-be-old-enough-but-my-boss-says-I-have-to-ask' attitude. I much prefer that attitude. This clerk's demeanor of there being no question about my being old enough ticked me off. The young whipper snapper! Someday she'll fade and I only HOPE I can be around to ask her the evil question.

The little twerp!

Overreacting you say? Perhaps, but that is my prerogative. I much prefer my niece's comment to me on my birthday about 60 being the new 40. I'll take that instead.

Warning: switching gears now to another subject...

I suppose there are some small perks to growing older, one of them being the time to sit and smell the roses. I've started to notice nature and the natural world around me more than I ever have before. In fact, I've become a little obsessed with eagles. I had never seen an eagle in Oregon. I'd seen one in Puget Sound and tons of them in Alaska, but never one here. I happened across a photo on a local web page of a beautiful eagle perched on a post. It was glorious, so majestic and proud. The caption below the picture noted that it had been taken just a few miles south of me. My obsession began. I began watching the area as I would drive past, even taking little side trips to look in more remote areas, but no luck. I even made my brother Jim ride along on a site-seeing trip south with the idea that we were looking at all the lovely views of the Oregon coast. I can now admit that I was on eagle patrol. As we sat at one particular roadside looking at the churning sea I casually mentioned to my bro that eagles had been sighted in the area but that I'd never seen one. As we drove away in the wind and rain I saw something just overhead. It looked to be a large dark bird with a white head. Could it be???? But even as I yelped and pulled the car over again it was gone. I'm pretty sure Jim thought I didn't know the difference between an eagle and a seagull. I wasn't sure either.

Months passed and I found myself pulling into the wayside anytime I drove south to Newport. I'd spend a little while watching the trees, then looking out to sea for whales. Finally...the day arrived. As I scanned the trees (by now I had heard that the eagle pair was nesting in a snag in this particular neck of the woods) I saw it. On the highest tree there it sat. Too far away to get a photo with my camera, but not so far that I couldn't see it clearly with my binoculars. I watched it preen and watch for about a half hour. Then it just flew away. I was in heaven.

The next time I went to watch for it I was completely prepared. I had a camera with a better telephoto lens and a spotting scope. I scanned the trees for probably an hour with no luck. Darn.

Then last week I stopped on my way home for my usual watch. I sat for probably 10 minutes and was just starting the car to drive away when it flew over my car! I screamed (in a closed car its not as embarrassing to do) and pulled back to the curb. As I scrambled to get my phone camera ready, the bird flew quickly out to sea. It wasn't long before it was out of sight. As is often the case, I had taken my good camera out of the car, so all I had was my phone. Figures, right? I got a lovely photo of...nothing but sea. . I waited for 10-15 minutes hoping the eagle would return to no avail. With a heavy heart I started the car again and began to drive away when - THERE IT WAS!!!! Flying right over my car as if to toy with me! I quickly turned the car around (it wasn't safe to stop where I was) and got settled again. I scanned the skies and the trees, but it was gone. Drat! I sat for another few minutes, but nothing.

I gave up and started the car to back out of the parking spot. As I reversed, I glanced up to the trees again, out of habit by now, and there it was! Perched on a tree just a few hundred yards away from me! I pulled back into the parking space (briefly wondering what people were thinking if they noticed this crazy woman...) and pulled out my iphone and my binoculars. Through the binoculars the bird was magnificent. Just as regal as I always imagined them to be. I got a few photos with the iphone, but the distance was too great to be clear. After several minutes the eagle took off and sort of circled my car. I was enchanted. It was almost as if it was giving me a gift for my persistence. It circled my location twice and then headed out to sea.

I headed home feeling as if I'd been given a great prize.

I've tried to interest my grandkids in my eagle hunts and I usually get an "uhhhhhh...maybe tomorrow." I guess I'm the only one who finds it exciting. Maybe this is the type of excitement you get when you become a senior-discount kinda gal.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

First of June

It's been a good while since I posted here. I suppose the main reason is that its been pretty quiet in my life, so there isn't much to talk about. I've started volunteering at the Lincoln City Library. Mostly what I do is re-shelve books that have been checked in. I'm pretty much the star non-fiction shelver...a dubious honor at that. I also get to process books and audio/visual items as needed.

I also volunteer at the Salem Mission Mill Museum. I lead tours of several of the areas of the museum, mostly for school children. I enjoy the interaction with them.

I got a new kayak for my upcoming birthday. I really enjoy it, but I had a tiny little accident with it and broke the windshield of my car. One of those days where stuff just know? This birthday coming up is a big one, and I'm not excited about it at all. It's weird to think I'm about to be the age my mom was when she passed away. Very strange.

I've got a busy summer coming up with grandkids and I'm looking forward to that. I'm trying to get them set up for swimming lessons right now. Ben and Ryann took lessons last year here in Lincoln City. They were both non-swimmers when they began, but were confident enough to jump off the high dive at the end of the 2 week class.

I'm still painting and having some success with that. I have a really nice set-up at both houses, so I just carry my paints back and forth with me. I have wayyyyy too many paintings around the house now, it's beginning to look very cluttered. I guess I'll have to start giving more of them away.

That's all I've got for now.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A few pics...

 The beach house all lit up....I did it ALL BY MYSELF...even the upper story. Cool, huh?
 Amy receiving a soccer-playing nut cracker from Ben and Ryann Christmas morning.
 Kizzy being....well...Kizzy.
 Kizzy is known as "that aunt" know, the one who always gives you jammies for Christmas? Kevin and Steph got her the hat proclaiming "that Aunt" a few years ago. She reads the "Auntie Claus' story to as many of the nieces and nephews as she can gather, then presents them with their jammies. Notice 2 of the nieces are watching by computer (Sophie and Jubie). Christmas Eve 2010.
 Amy and Bruce helping with dinner on Christmas Eve...

Uncle Jim in front of a real 2-person submarine in Newport OR, January 2011.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Has She Written Anything Lately?

I think when you look in at your OWN Blog to see if you've written anything lately, it's time to act.

Christmas came and went. I was happy with the way things turned out. We spent Christmas day at the beach house. There was Kerry, Amy and her family and Bruce and I. Only half the family. The rest were missed, but we were able to Skype so it wasn't as bad as I expected.

Bruce, Ben, Ryann and I left the next day for San Jose to see Steve and his family. We had a nice visit. The cousins are always happy to be together.

This week, I leave for Austin to see Kevin, Steph and the girls. I've had my ticket for a good while so the fact that they are coming to Oregon the week after I return is coincidental. But I will enjoy my time with them and I'm already planning my next trip to Austin.

My niece Judy and her friends John and his sister Paula were visitors at the beach house a few weeks ago. Uncle Jim was already with me there. It was so nice having them visit, but sadly the weather did not cooperate and we had heavy rain the entire time. Judy and company only stayed one night because they had to return to California, but I'm hoping word-of-mouth will help get some of my other relatives to visit. I'm still rather stunned my brother Dick hasn't been here, since I only live a mile from the local casino and that is one of his and Kathy's favorite things to do...make "donations" to the local Indian tribe education fund.

Jim came down with a cold while he was visiting so some of our possible activities were curtailed, but we did manage to visit the Ocean Science Center in Newport and the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville where the famous "Spruce Goose" now lives.

It was sad to see Jim go, but I'm excited at the prospect of my upcoming trip to Austin. I can't wait to see all my babies!

I'll post some pictures of all the aforementioned activities soon.