Monday, February 23, 2009

Its been a really quiet couple of weeks. So quiet in fact I've begun talking to myself just to hear the noise. I have the babies a few days a week, but not every day because of a change in Kevin's schedule. I miss seeing them each day. We have been trying to come up with some plans for activites to get us out of the house...its not easy in our wet Pacific Northwest.

I have been working on my geneology again which has been fun. I found one line back to 1239. It makes me a little wary though...because all it would take was to find one person with the same name and dates as your ancestor and your whole line is off.

I'll come up with a better post....later.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

that guy's a jerk...

I was sitting in the parking lot at McDonalds today eating a salad after my workout. I often sit there and munch and watch people go by. For some reason this is a particularly busy lot. Maybe its because of the Quizno's or the Dollar Store.


I watch watching this lovely old couple who had purchased an entire shopping basket of goodies at the Dollar Store. I'm not sure what it all was - but there was a lot of it. They were working hard at putting their purchases into their car and moving slowly like older people tend to do. Their basket was at the side of the car taking up space in the space next to them, but it didn't seem to be a problem because there were other spaces in the lot nearby.

Into the lot came a big old Cadillac. Big. Like a boat. You remember those. It looked like the kind of car a guy would pick up off the lot for $150 and drive it until it wouldn't drive anymore. Or one that his great aunt had in her garage and he got after she died. It was dirty and rusting. The area behind the steering wheel was completely filled by a big hulking man with a baseball hat and a long beard. He looked as if he had had a life filled with bars and brawls. He decided he wanted the spot next to the lovely old couple to park his

He edge his car close to the spot and honked his horn. The elderly gentleman gave him a cheery wave and held up a finger signifying 'one minute' and continued to fill the car. He was moving as fast as he could to accommodate the other fellow. I noticed again the other open spots, just a car width away. In fact there were two open spots together. If the fellow took one of those spots he would only have to walk an extra 15 feet. By the size of him, that would be about 3 steps.

He continued to wait and tap his horn from time to time trying to hurry up the old gentleman. As soon as the cart was emptied, the lady moved it and left to walk it back to the store. The old gentleman made a grand sweeping gesture with his hand as if you say to the hulk "its all yours' and did it with a big smile on his face as he stepped out of the way. I also notice he held his cane a little lower on the shaft instead of the top...almost like a weapon.

I stopped munching. I watched as the hulk unfolded himself from the car and began to say something to the old guy about people having to wait. I put my hand on my door latch to open my door. I was going to get out of my car to intervene. I'm not sure what I would have done, but I wasn't going to let what appeared to be happening continue. The hulk made a rude gesture to the old fellow and lumbered off. I was stunned, but relieved. I watched the old gentleman watch him leave. He had a look of defiance on his face but also fear. He relaxed a little as he moved his hand from the shaft of his cane to the top and put it on the ground to steady himself. His wife reappeared and they both got into the car and left.

I can only imagine the conversation that took place in the old couple's car after the incident. I would also imagine that they will both be upset the rest of the day.

I know I'm thinking about it.