Monday, February 23, 2009

Its been a really quiet couple of weeks. So quiet in fact I've begun talking to myself just to hear the noise. I have the babies a few days a week, but not every day because of a change in Kevin's schedule. I miss seeing them each day. We have been trying to come up with some plans for activites to get us out of the house...its not easy in our wet Pacific Northwest.

I have been working on my geneology again which has been fun. I found one line back to 1239. It makes me a little wary though...because all it would take was to find one person with the same name and dates as your ancestor and your whole line is off.

I'll come up with a better post....later.


Kevin said...

don't worry, you'll be seeing plenty of the girls soon. i'll gone all week next term, and Steph and I'll need all the help from you we can get.

Kevin said...

I mean, be careful what you wish