Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dad and One Hundred

This is a favorite picture of mine. It's of my dad at the back of my grandparents house. I'm sure I was told at some point how old he was here, but I don't recall. He appears to be a young teenager. Its fun looking at this picture because I can see all of my brothers in him as well as myself.

This month of June is my dad's 100th birthday month. We are having a Stewart family reunion in August to commemorate the anniversary. I am looking forward to seeing all my family and am very hopeful that all of my children and grandchildren will attend, as well as my nieces and nephews and their families.

My dad was not the type of man to show his emotions to people, but I know without a doubt he will be there with us in spirit, looking at his progeny and have a tear of pride in his eyes. It's an honor to be his daughter.

Dad and Mom as I remember them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see Maddie so much in that picture...