Monday, June 8, 2009

birthdays happen

Friday was my birthday. It kind of ticks me off that I'm getting older. I don't feel older, but I guess I must look older. At least I have the satisfaction of knowing (always) that I'm 3 minutes younger than my twin brother David.

My husband was on a 2-week business trip, so my 3 local kids, my daughter-in-law, 3 granddaughters and a little friend of Ryann's went to the beach for the weekend. Ryann has decided that crab legs are the best thing ever and the casino has a sea food buffet on Friday night, so we went there for dinner. I'm not sure how the little friend's parents are going to feel about me taking her to a gambling establishment to eat, but it was good food anyway. We were all stuffed so we put off the birthday cake until Saturday. Stephanie, my daughter-in-law made it and assured us all it would be even better the next day, and it was! It was chocolate cake with a layer of cheesecake in the middle, and then a layer of sour cream filling with crushed Oreo cookies in it. The whole amazing cake was then iced with a chocolate pudding/sour cream icing. My mouth is watering just writing about it. It was served with a dollop of cherry pie filling. It was heaven-on-a-plate.

On Saturday afternoon we went to see a new Pixar film, Up. It's a cute film and the storyline was amazingly mature, with the exception of the talking dogs. We spent the rest of the afternoon resting and wondering why it was raining.

Saturday night Amy and Stephanie were tired, so Kevin, Kerry and I decided to go to the casino for a little while. It was great fun, and we managed to make our small amount of money last a good while. On the way home I decided to take 'the back way"...that may have been a minor mistake. Just as we were pulling into our driveway we saw the telltale red and blue flashing lights of a policeman. I was pretty sure I hadn't done anything wrong, so I'm sure some of my indignation was evident in my voice when he walked up to my window and I said "WHAT in the world did I DO!!!" His reply was that I hadn't signaled a turn into my driveway. Since there was no one around on my dark street, it seemed unnecessary to me.

Anyway, I gave him my license and tried to be as polite as possible as he went back to his car to check me out. It seemed like a pretty lame reason to stop me. As he came back to my car he admitted that he was using ANY excuse to stop me because he thought perhaps we had been drinking since I was driving so carefully and the intersection we had come through had a bar on the corner. (I was driving carefully because the City has a lot of cops who sit in wait for people here.) Of course I hadn't been drinking and he apologized for taking our time. I guess I appreciate that he at least was honest about why he stopped me. Of course during the whole time this took place his lights were flashing so Amy and Stephanie were worried sick inside the house, and trying to get a peek at us.

Sunday was the first day it didn't rain, so we took the kids to the beach. I decided it was necessary to show the girls how to make a REAL sand castle. We had a great time (albeit a little cold) and they learned some sand construction basics.

All-in-all it was a good weekend.

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