Saturday, October 17, 2009

I had a friend pass away a few weeks ago. She was ill for only a short time before she passed. Our lives have run sort of parallel for nearly 20 years. We are about the same age, same number of kids, grandkids and professional husbands. I've been thinking about it a lot and wondering how her family is coping. I remember how I felt when my mom died.

That brought along my next thoughts. I wonder what my kids and grands will remember about me. That I yelled too much or spanked too often, or will they remember that I never missed a school program or sporting event. Or will they remember that I worked different jobs while they were young in order to be near them. Will they remember my sense of adventure? That I flew planes? Or will they remember the Christmases and all the stuff I would get to try and make it a magical time for each of them. I tried really hard on Christamas to make each one unforgettable. Or will they remember the times when they were hurt or sick that I was there, I guess what I'm getting at is that I hope they know they are loved. Each kid, spouse and little kid.

I'm proud of my kids. They are all working hard at that business of work and family. Steve got a nice raise this week so he's doing well. Kevin is just months away from being able go out into the world with a MBA degree. My girls are doing well with thier business, and are hoping to make it into more. Both my girls are considering other options in life. That's a good thing.

I hope they remember my sense of humor, because I think they all have it to some degree. Most of all I hope they remember that I tried. I'm not always right but I've tried to do the right thing and when I failed that, I tried to learn from it.

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