Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nelscott Reef Classic

So I was wrong about where the event I referred to earlier was to take place. I thought the reef was just north of town, but its just about dead center. (only about 20 blocks from my house.) There were tons of people there (and little parking) so by doing a little snooping, I found a place high on a hill that only a few people had found. I set up my spotting scope and my folding chair. I had my cooler with water and a diet shake, and my handy little camera. The activity took place too far out in the ocean for my camera to capture any of it, but my spotting scope was perfect. It was awesome to see the big waves and people actually out on them! That doesn't happen often here in Oregon.
I didn't have the means to take any long range photos or video, but this was on utube from someone else that was there. It was an amazing day.

Aparently the Brazilians were the best surfers of the day. Who knew?!

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