Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Whew! Its official! Christmas 2008 is over except for the store returns. I didn't do too badly this year...only a few things have to go back.

I really really tried to keep it down this year to a 'reasonable' amount of gifts. The problem is, my 'reasonable' may not be the next guys. I do the best I can.

We all went out to the beach house for a few days to test it out and see if we could survive the close quarters. It went well. The house lends itself to many little pockets of activity. If any one of us had had about enough togetherness, we could find a place to hide for awhile. The weather was lousy most of the time. The sun didn't come out until the last day. We did have a pinochle tournament and I'm proud to say Stephanie's and my team came in second place. I do believe the cards were rigged though. We shoulda been first.

On day two I tried to maim myself. Stephanie had asked me for something that I happened to have in the car, so I volunteered to go get it. The problem started when I chose NOT to get dressed first. I was in my Sponge Bob Squarepants jammies with fuzzy Ugg style boots. I figured no one would see me, so I stealthily worked my way outside in the rain. As I closed the door of the car after retrieving said item, I heard the unmistakable sound of a car engine coming up the street. I scurried (or tried to) up the concrete steps and on the third step I slipped. I hit both knees, my hand and my lip (of all things). I had a mental flash of having to go to the hospital in my Sponge Bob pants with a fat lip and a broken leg. I think I said a really bad word.

Luckily I was just bruised and scratched. I've tried milking it for sympathy but the family will not comply. I do have a great bruise all the way down my right shin that I'm willing to show to anyone who feigns an interest. When I hit my lip I was rather hoping I would knock out one or both of my front caps. They really need replacing. When they were put in well over 35 years ago the dentist said they would need to be replaced in 5 years. They are 'on the list'. Oh well...

My brother Dick pointed out to me that I had misspelled his wife Katherine's name. There is some irony in that because I named my first daughter after her (Amy Catherine). I know how its spelled. I changed the first letter for Amy just to be a little different. I just had a brain knot. Those happen more and more these days. Soon I'll have macrame' knots for a brain. (That's a really dumb joke - but it's all I got.)

I hope everyone had a good holiday and will be safe for New Years. I love you all.


Steph said...

Christmas and vacation were wonderful! Thank you!

We're getting used to you almost knocking yourself out on concrete or rock, though. It happens every couple of years.

Steph said...

Hey, I got two mentions! And I had NO idea your leg was that bad! You say you milked it but girl, you should do more next time! I would have risen to the occasion. Oh, not that there will be a next time . . .
