Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This has been an interesting weekend. For me anyway.

Bruce is in Washington,D.C. doing whatever it is he does there (OK, I'll admit I know some of it, but not all of it.) So, anyway, I decided it was a good time to see if I was brave enough to stay out at the beach house all by myself. I arrived about 11:00 a.m. and went directely down to the basement to turn up the hot water. The basement is clean but very very dark...especially when you're all alone! I did that with no problem. I unpacked some things I brought with me and settled in. I cleaned for awhile (it's actually fun to clean a clean house.) I went down to the outlet mall and made the rounds, went home for lunch and then decided on an outing. I took a small amount of money with me because I planned to eat while I was out, also. The beach was awesome because of a minus tide (LOTS more sand to walk on a minus tide) so I walked for awhile. Then I decided to go to the casino. I knew I'd be fine because I didn't have much money with me. I walked in and started cruising the machines until I found one that called to me. It was a penny machine. I played that for a good while and got my pennies up to $124.00. That was pretty cool, so I cashed out with the idea of going home MUCH ahead of where I started. I was on my way out when I saw a triple-diamond machine. I need to explain at this time that my mom always had a 'thing' for the diamond machines ( probably because she had a 'thing' for diamonds.) So in honor of my mother I decided to play $20 of my winnings in that machine. I sat down and started to get comfortable before my first bet, then I hit the button. Lights flashed and sirens blared. I thought I had broken the machine somehow, then there was a woman floor worker beside me telling me congratulations. I wasn't sure exactly what she was congratulating me for, because it all happened so fast. Turns out I had won $1500 on that one pull! I played out the rest of the $20 while I waited for the paperwork (tax forms) and fended off some overly friendly people who wanted some of my 'luck' to rub off on them. It seemed prudent to leave while I was ahead so I did. I went home, opened a can of beef stew and toasted my win with a diet coke.

Winning is fun.

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