Monday, July 19, 2010

Life on the 45th Parallel

Ceddie's family has returned and he seems not to be holding any grudges. When they first came in the door he was upstairs, and I called him down....he heard their voices and was completely overwhelmed. He stopped halfway down the stairs and just started sobbing! I looked and asked him what was wrong and he said "Well, I just missed those guys!". He was very happy to have everyone home again.

Steve and Beth and the kids will be here another week or so. I'm just plugging along taking each day as it comes. I'll have Ben and Ryann for 3 weeks in August. When school starts in Septemb er I'll have to completely regroup because I'll be on my own again. I'm hoping to get swim lessons set up for Ben and Ryann for the last two weeks of August. It would be really good for them. They can both get around a pool, but neither really swims, more of a dog paddle.

That's it for now. Not a lot to report. Today was the laziest Sunday I've spent in a long time. Tomorrow I will make a bigger effort to move more. :)

1 comment:

Amy Wilks said...

Well, that breaks my heart because I can totally visualize him bursting into sobs...Doesn't mean he didn't have a GREAT time with Grammy though.