Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Mind of a Six-Year-Old Boy

I'm watching my grandson Cedric for a few days while his parents get away. His siblings have been farmed out to different relatives so its just him and me. It's only been a day and a half so far, but we are having a great time. We went to see Toy Story 3 yesterday afternoon. He spent most of the rest of the evening running a course in the front yard that he has established and being Ironman. The yard is sloped so if he takes off at a dead run from the high point he can get a good deal of speed built up to get him up another slope and onto the flat part of the yard. He will run this pattern for hours. He comes inside every once in a while to get a snack or a drink, but then he's off again...running....running...

He also has an ongoing commentary as he's doing this, complete with sound effects and threats to the evil bad guys. I can't exactly make out the details of his narration, but it must be compelling because he goes on and on. The sound effects are pretty awesome also. They range from gunshots to lazer beams and light sabres. He also supplies the screams of agony and cries for revenge from the bad guys. He's an all-purpose fantasy guy.

He's a great little kid. I'm glad I'm getting a chance to know him one on one. We went to the lake today. I put him in a life jacket and let him have at it. The area we were in was contained, but the water did get over his head in one spot and I didn't want to have to go in after him. He was having a wonderful time and kept saying 'this is GREAT!'...meaning the life jacket and his new ability to float. Of course I watched him every moment and made sure he was safe, but he was in his element. I think he's enjoying our time together also because he told me tonight he sure loves me. Of course...that comes on the heels of his comment about my being a really old lady.

Oh, and a post-script on the last post. The fellow who fell was released from the hospital after several hours and seems to be doing just fine. I'm glad for that.

I also suspect after a week with Ceddie I'll have several more stories to share. Stay tuned....

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