Monday, November 1, 2010

Weather, Surf, and the What-ifs

Ok, so my title is a bit random, I'll admit that. I couldn't think of anything catchy and a title is required.

The weather is the big thing this morning. The wind and rain are coming down in torrents and sideways. its actually kind of exciting. I'm glad I finished my weather-proofing of the house on one of the nice days last week. The storms bring other things-high surf. World-class surf. At least that's what's happening in Nelscott, just north of Lincoln City. The annual Nelscott Tow-in Classic has been scheduled for tomorrow. Surfers from all over the world make the Oregon pilgrimage to ride the 20-30 foot waves....conditions permitting. It's really kind of cool...there is only a few days warning that it will happen so people watch for it. I'm thinking seriously of going and trying to catch a glimpse. I suspect it will be difficult though. There is very little access to the area. It's rather remote. But...hey....I got that kinda time. I watched a movie about it last year, and I have to admit I'm curious.

In the past the surfers have been towed out past the breakers with jet skis since its so treacherous, but this year they have changed the rules and the surfers will have to paddle out. Only the strongest (and luckiest) will be able to make the grade. I have to wonder what kind of people take those kind of chances. The water in Oregon is VERY cold. Very few people swim in it, especially during storms. Of course they'll all have on wetsuits, but that doesn't protect the hands and face, and I can't belief they are actually 'warm'. The very thought makes me put on another blanket.

Anyway, other than that today is my library volunteer day, so I'll be heading out to do that in a little while. I'm really proud of the fact I only have to sing the ABC's song in my head when I put away the fiction books and not out loud.

I hope the world has a good day.

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