Thursday, October 28, 2010

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night....

We've been getting hit with high surf and rain here on the coast. On Monday, when I drove into town I thought it had snowed because there was white stuff all over the ground. Turns out I arrived just after a hail storm had passed over. I have one more window to caulk and ready for Winter, but the rain has made that impossible. Hopefully, I'll get to it tomorrow.

It seems the whale activity has increased. I manage to spot at least one a day. I'm going to volunteer for the twice yearly 'Whale Watching Spoken Here' program. People get trained to help the general public find the huge mammals in the sea. Oregon is along the migration route for the Gray Whales so we get a lot of opportunities. Volunteers man viewpoints up and down the coast for a week at a time, twice a year to educate the public on the Gray Whales. It should be fun, and a natural activity for me, since I love watching the critters so much.

Otherwise, a pretty quiet week here. Lots of reading and tv watching.

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