Sunday, January 27, 2013

Oh yeah...I'm supposed to title these things...

I've been spending a few days with my son Steve's kids while he and Beth are visiting my younger son Kevin and his family in Texas. It's been fun. The kids pretty much take care of themselves, so my main use here is to sign for an emergency room visit, should that occur. It has not.

I went to granddaughter Pierre's music program at school the other day. I was surprised to find that she is among the minority. Most of the kids in her class are of Indian or Asian descent. I guess that the main reason for that is that this is the Silicon Valley and since computers and tech are a world-wide business it would make sense. It's much different from the California I grew up in. Different isn't bad, it's just...different. (I'm so deep sometimes...)

Last night Maddie, Pierre, Ceddy and I went to the local college planetarium. It was a program aimed at  kids, but I still enjoyed it. When we came outside after the program was over we were able to identify Orion's belt, Jupiter and of course the full moon. It was a good program and I'm glad we went. Wills opted out, choosing instead to spend the afternoon with a friend at a horror movie. Yuck.

I'll be heading back to the great northwest on Tuesday morning, then off to the coast to take care of my library duties. I've got my library work down to a science. It takes me about an hour and a half to find 13 pages of books, movies, recorded books, cd's, etc. When the list is larger it takes more time, but since this is the 'off' season, 13 pages is about the norm.

A big deal in my life is my new hearing aids. I've known for several years that I needed them, but since I don't have much control of the finances in the family, it was put on a back burner. It finally got so bad that I would explain to anyone new that I came in contact with "I'm deaf, so if I respond inappropriately to something you've said, assume I didn't hear it correctly." I found that I was avoiding people a great deal and trying not to make eye contact with anyone, lest they make a comment that I wouldn't hear. In the rare cases that that happened I would just smile and nod. One really annoying thing for my husband was when I would startle when he would suddenly be in front of me. What he didn't realize was, I didn't hear any of the 'hints' that a hearing person hears, like the rustle of air, or footsteps approaching. All of a sudden he would just be there in front of me and I would startle. He got angry and said "I live here, too!" Well then make a little more noise so I can hear you, buster!

I think I'm coming out of my shell a little since I'm now among the hearing again. I don't avoid things nearly as much as I did. The HA's are still being fine tuned, but I'm getting used to them. Now when I take them off it seems like someone has put both hands over my ears to muffle the sound. I'm amazed at how loud I used to have the tv volume! They aren't perfect - there are still things I miss, but it's SO much better than it was. I'm amazed that people don't mumble nearly as much as I thought they did!

OK...that's enough for now. Later, skaters...

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