Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Life in This Day

Its been a week since I last wrote. I've been waiting for inspiration to strike but it hasn't.

I've been alone all this week. My plan was to get my act together and go workout each day. So far I've only walked a few miles and my week is nearly over. It's amazing how when you have a lot of time, you seem to waste a lot of it - yet when you are busy and have very little time you manage to get so much more done because you have to. When every day is the same and your time is unlimited you put things off until later. I have a ton of incomplete projects on my desk. I'm building a doll house but it currently has no roof. I have several partially finished paintings near the window of my painting desk. (I did end up throwing out the clarinet painting I alluded to in an earlier post-my heart just wasn't in it.) I have an awesome area set up for doing my beading and jewelry making...maybe I'll think about doing something there. I suppose I could look around and find some home improvement project to work on, but the rain and dreariness outside kind of suck all the interest out of that.

I am excited to see my brother tomorrow. I'll pick him up around noon in Portland. For part of his visit we'll go out to the beach so hopefully we'll be able to share some of the joys of the Oregon coast with him. I'm hoping if he takes home a good report that I'll get more relatives up here to visit.

I should look around and make sure the house is all ready for visitors. Ah phooey...I have time...I'll do it later.

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