Friday, January 22, 2010

Soooo Sorry (Heheheeee)

I guess the first thing I need to do is apologize to everyone about the last post. My excuse is this: Joe told me to be sure and write about Jim's time here, so he could keep up with it. I just couldn't write that we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then drove around Salem a little while and came home...where is the drama in that? So I exaggerated a little. OK, I exaggerated a lot. The only truth to that post was that we did go and see Avatar that night. You'll notice I didn't even mention the Governor's name (Kulongoski) because I couldn't remember it while I was writing. He keeps a pretty low profile. I'm not sure why.

I hope I get some points somewhere for the fact that at the end, I made it sort of clear that the whole thing was a lie.

Joe posted his comments and I appreciate that. My favorite response came from Lori. She said she was reading along and started calling for the guys in the family to "come read this!" As she read along she got to the end and just said a flat "Oh". Ian and Cullen both said "Aunt Debby...that was mean!" Judy admitted to totally buying into the whole thing until the end where the twisted and weird sense of Stewart humor became obvious. This is the same Judy who is well known as the teddy bear kidnapper who held her sister's bear for ransom while doing unspeakable things to the bear and telling about it in great detail in her ransom notes. Sheesh...I'm not the only one....

Another comment said that it sounded so plausible because things like that just happen to us. I suppose it could have been. I'm sure the Gov and Jim would get along famously, but the lunch thing? That would have been dutch for sure.

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