Wednesday, March 10, 2010


First photo: Steve at graduation from Carnegie-Mellon. Second:Steve graduating Basic Army Training. Third: Steve and Stewart cousins (from left:Mike, Jeff,Joanne, Lori,Judy,Tammy, Rick,front:Greg, Joe and Steve)Notice Steve and Rick are looking elsewhere. Fourth: My mom (Inez) and Steve.

As always, my thoughts are a jumble when I speak of my first-born son. Circumstances dictated that his dad left us when Steve was 2 months old to go into the Air Force. He was gone for the next 2+ years. I believe there was one visit in the middle for a few weeks and a short stint in Georgia for a few months. Otherwise it was just Steve and me. I was 18 when Steve was born, but thought I knew everything about child rearing. After all, I'd been an aunt since I was hard could it be? Right?

Steve was the definition of "precocious" as a child - Bright, witty, stubborn. He knew from infancy on that he had all the people in his close family circle (grandparents,aunts, uncles and cousins) hornswoggled. He was always the center of attention at any family gathering simply because he was "Steve" and no one knew what to expect from him other than the unexpected. He entertained us all and tried my patience every hour of every day. Sometimes I lost it and would spank him, but I tried to be a good parent. We were together 24/7 and even though we lived with my parents, I was his primary care giver. My parents tried not to interfere too much with my parenting, but would (especially Dad) step in and remind me from time-to-time that he needed to be reigned in. His cousins were a big influence on him. I can still recall Cousin Rick's "evil laugh" as he taught Steve some new mischief and then would look on innocently as I yelled at Steve for it.
He was my light in those early days and kept me going. He wasn't too sure about his dad when Bruce finally came home to us. It took a good while for him to accept this interloper to his domain. When his sister Amy came along when he was 4 years old, he was a big help. He was OK with a girl being in the family, but when brother Kevin came along a few years later - he was right back in the "alpha-male" thing, and didn't accept him for a good while. By the time sister Kerry came along, he was pretty much doing his own thing and seemed to accept her without much problem. He was 10 by that time and he and his best friend Greg were always off doing boy things. We lived in Iowa and the time and you could still let kids play outside for hours and hours without worrying about their well-being.
We moved to Oregon when Steve was 15. He was in
high school by that time and enjoyed drama and acting as well as Scouts, Church, and girls. He graduated from Sunset High School in Beaverton, Oregon. After graduation went to the University of Oregon for a year. He majored in having fun. That wasn't working our so he joined the army with the idea it would help him pay for his schooling in later years. Steve and the army did NOT get along. After a relatively short time he left and came home. He worked and went to school sporadically, trying to find direction for his life. He met and married a local girl, Beth Beckstead. After a year or so they had their first child, Madeline. Wills came along a year or so later.
About this time Steve had been working for a building contractor and decided to build himself a home. He did build a beautiful home in West Salem, almost entirely on his own. He designed it and built it from the ground up. He also went into business for himself as a contractor. He did that for a few years, but wasn't happy in that business. They sold their home and after a few more starts at other businesses he decided he needed to go back to school. He and his family moved into our house and he started taking classes and working. 2 more children Pierre and Cedric joined the family while they lived with us. After Steve graduated with a BS in Computer Science, he decided he wanted to go for a higher degree.
He had always tested very high in all intelligence tests he took. That gave him the opportunity to go to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh PA. So the family moved from our house to the great unknown of Pennsylvania. It was a good move for them and they all benefited from it. It was very difficult for us when they left. I can barely think about it without misting up.
After graduation from CM, he took a Job at Apple Computer where he still works today. His family is doing well and they seem to enjoy the Northern California lifestyle.
I'm very proud of Steve. It wasn't easy for him or for his family to take on the challenges they have, but they've all done it and done it well. He's just turned 40 today. My baby boy. When I think of him I still see a little blond boy with a huge grin on his face, and a tease in his eye.
I love you, Steve.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a really good post I love hearing all that stuff about steve that I don't really know cause I wasn't around. Good job mom!!!