Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March? How'd that happen????

Wow...where do the days go? Here it is the first of March already. Wills, my #1 grandson turned 12 yesterday. He's growing so fast. It's hard to remember that 5 of his 12 years were spent in this house with his family and grandparents. He's barely the little blond towhead he was then, but he's still got a sweet and loving heart.

My son Steve will be 40 in a few days. Now THAT is startling since I'm only 39. Ok...so maybe I'm 39-ish now. Since its his birthday coming up I will take a day very soon and write just about Steve. In some ways we grew up together since I was only 18 when he was born. His first two years I was his only parent, as his dad was away in the military. But I'll get to that in a day or so.

A friend of mine (Debi Dana) and I were talking the other day and I mentioned that I'd been listening to country music for the past 10 months or so. To me it sounds more like the old fashioned rock and roll I grew up with than the stuff on the pop stations now. She immediately suggested that it was time for an intervention...that an old-time rocker like me simply can't be listening to country music. I assured her it was true. Now I'm just waiting for the intervention. I hope in involves a Bruce Springsteen concert or something.

For some reason I've been thinking about my Aunt Minnie for the last few days. When I was a kid she lived with our family on and off for most of my life. She was like a second mother to me. My mother passed away before she did, even though she was the older sister. We all missed my mom so much. Aunt Minnie moved around after that for a few years and finally settled with her own daughter in Seattle. She became ill with cancer that had metastasized into her brain. I went to stay and spend time with her in the hospital as it became clear she was dying. She would come in and out of consciousness and lucidity as the hours passed. When she was lucid it was almost like seeing a cloud clearing from her eyes. During one of these clear period she looked over and saw me and said "Oh hi Deb! You're mom says to tell you 'hi'!" Then she went back into one of her clouds.

I was dumbstruck. I choose to believe that she was moving back and forth between the world of the living and the world of the dead. This was a gift just for me. I cherish the memory. She died the next day.

My projects just keep moving along. My dollhouse is looking adorable. I'll get a picture of it soon. I had a great group of 10 year-olds for a museum tour at the museum I volunteer at. It's always fun to talk to groups of kids who have great questions. I had to have them hold their questions at one point because I couldn't get through the tour.

I took a cabinet out of my bathroom that was painted white. It always bothered me that it was white, yet my vanity sink is cherry wood. So I decided to faux-paint the white cabinet to look like cherry wood. I think its coming along nicely, too. I'll try to remember to get a picture of it, as well when I get it re-installed. I base painted the whole thing a terracotta color and then used cherry gel stain to make it look like wood. I need to reinstall the glass on the doors and then I'll be ready to show it off. Oh, I need to put a clear varnish over the whole thing also so it doesn't chip.

OK, so that's all that's happening in the life of Debby. Well, nearly all. I hope everyone is happy and well.

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