Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This Sort of Thing Happens to Me a Lot. Wonder Why?

It’s been an adrenaline pumping morning so far. I woke up late, around 9:00 and opened the windows to the house as I usually do. I noticed that the red truck was still at the house across the street which seemed a little odd since I hadn’t seen anyone. I went about my morning routine and noticed a few minutes later that the back window of the truck was open. Hmmmm…that seemed a little odd since I hadn’t seen anyone. I guess my first thought was that someone was breaking in. So I watched a moment or so and noticed a man come out of the house. He was lurching a little and my first thought was “wow, kinda early in the morning to be hitting the sauce”. He appeared to be loading the truck, so I made the assumption that he was preparing to leave and went about my business. Something just didn’t feel right so I made it a point to look every few minutes. As I was looking he seemed to lose his equilibrium. He twisted somewhat and sort of took a few running steps down the sidewalk. I realize now he was trying to get his balance, but that was impossible on the steep sidewalk. As I watched he fell against the rock wall and dropped the things he has been carrying - they were flung all the way down the sidewalk. I waited a moment to see if he would try to get up. He seemed to be dazed and hurt.

I ran into my bedroom and threw on some clothes (I wasn’t going to go out in my nightgown) . I also put my cell phone in my pocket. and started across the street. I said “hey, what’s going on” he managed to say ‘Parkinson’s”. So I knew we had a problem. I looked around for help because I knew I couldn't get him up alone. The man (Dave) who lives on the other corner of the intersection we all live on had seen me run out of my house and came to see what was up. Between the two of us we got Rick (the man’s name) up and sitting on the wall. We were letting him gather his wits and I was accessing the damages. He was scraped up pretty badly and bleeding. I managed to get blood all over me. I ran home to get some paper towels and band-aids to stop the bleeding. We sat and visited while I waited to see how he reacted to things. Dave had to go to work, so he left. Rick and I talked a little while and I asked if he thought he could walk. He thought he probably could so I got him up. He immediately began to wobble and say ‘sit, sit’.

I managed to get him back down and he kind of collapsed. I told him I had my phone and would like to call the Lincoln City police to get someone to check him out. He agreed so I called. A few minutes later 2 big guys in an ambulance showed up with sirens blazing. I told them as much as I knew. Rick seemed to be coherent and they were about to leave. I asked them to check his blood pressure. It was extremely low. He didn’t want to go to the hospital so it seemed we had done all we could. I told the fellows I was just across the street if they needed anything and I left. They were attempting to help him to his car when he collapsed again so they decided to take him to the hospital because something was clearly going on with him besides the obvious issues with the Parkinson’s disease.

I saw him collapse from my window and started back over. I asked him to please allow me to call his brother (I found out during the conversation he was the brother of the owner of the house, Mike). He said “ok” so I called as they loaded him into the ambulance. I let his brother know what was going on and then closed up the house and truck while they took him away.

I came home and put my bloody clothes into the wash and cleaned up. It occurred to me I should have used rubber gloves as I cleaned him up, but what was done was done. I’m still from the old-school first aid glass. Back in the ‘old days’ we didn’t have to be concerned about blood-borne diseases.

Now I’m in the hurry-up-and-wait mode to find out how he is. I’m pretty sure he’s fine, he probably just got dehydrated or forgot to take some meds, but I’d still like to know for sure.

I’ll keep you posted.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another day, another ending

I've been in Vancouver, Washington all week watching Ben and Ryann. I couldn't watch them at my house because they have summer soccer camp in the evening, so here I am. I haven't been home for more than a minute or two in weeks and that seems to be working fine for me.

It's really amazing how little a person can get done when they aren't in their own home. I did my laundry yesterday but otherwise I've been footloose and fancy free to watch tv or read all I want. I've been watching the old Roswell series about teenage aliens set in the late '90's. I had seen the series when it was broadcast but I'm amazed at how much I forgot. I think I have a crush on an alien. It's been fun to watch, and I'm on season 2 now. I think it only ran 2.5 seasons, so my fun will soon come to an end - as all things must.

I also finished a book Kevin and Stephanie got me for my birthday. It was about 2 best friends and all the ups and downs of friendship. In the end the 'good' friend dies and the selfish one steps up to the plate. It was a good story and had me bawling my eyes out, hoping no one would hear me sobbing. It really touched a nerve. The good friend ends up with cancer and fights the good fight all the way to the end. Even after death her essence lingers on. I think any essence I have left will go with me when I go.

Sophie and Jubie will be here in Vancouver this afternoon. They have been staying with Steph's parents while Kevin and Stephanie are in Austin, Texas checking out the area for a possible job/move. Her parents are leaving for a trip, so I'll have the girls here with me for a day, then I'll take them back to their house on Friday afternoon. I'll probably stay there Friday night since Kevin and Stephanie aren't expected home until late. Saturday morning I'll probably check for mail in Salem, then head back out to the beach.

I have all my painting supplies with me, so perhaps I'll do some painting next week. I've been looking for some inspiration, but I haven't found any. Summer at the beach is a little different than the rest of the time because of the constantly changing faces of the tourists. Traffic is bad, especially on weekends, so my errands will have to be walking ones unless I decide to face the masses. The walk to the library is about a mile, so its a nice jaunt. And of course there is always the beach to walk. I like to put an audio book on my ipod and just walk and walk.

I seem to be rambling a lot, so I guess I'll close this for now.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kevin Johnson, MBA

June 11, 2010
University of Oregon

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quiet Life

I came out to the beach Sunday morning. Since it's not quite summer vacation, its been pretty deserted here. I've done a considerable amount of walking. In fact, probably too much because I seem to have injured my knee. I don't have a lot of activities on the immediate calendar. Kevin's graduation is on Friday, so I'll go to that. I'm excited to see him walk. He's worked very hard for this degree. I hope only good things for him and his family. They deserve it.

I did a little exploring yesterday on the back roads of the coastal area here. I found a section of old highway 101 that goes through very dense forest. It was beautiful, but a little intimidating when I realized I didn't have my phone with me and if I got lost or had car trouble I'd have to walk out to the main road (about 10 miles). I'll have to be certain I have my phone the next time I go exploring. I think we have roadside assistance insurance, so I'm sure I'd be able to get some help, so that won't stop me from my forays into the unknown.

I get to pick up Ben and Ryann from their last day of school on Tuesday. I suppose we'll come out to the beach then. I think they'll enjoy time here. I'll have to remember to have them bring their skateboards. There is a very cool skate park close to the house they'll enjoy. It will be nice to have the company.

That's about it for now.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another day gone

My birthday on Saturday came and went. My husband took me out to dinner, but otherwise chose to ignore the day. Such is life. At least when the kids ask he can say "well...I took her out.."

I'm looking ahead to the summer. I'll have Ben and Ryann for a week at a time several times this summer, and Steve and Beth and the kids will be visiting for several weeks in July. That will be fun.

After summer is over, I guess I need to consider looking for a job. I'll need something to occupy some of my time. I'm just not sure if I should do it here in Salem or on the coast. I suppose I'll answer those questions as they come along. One day at a time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Since my actual birthday falls on an inconvenient weekend, the kids decided that Memorial Day weekend would be a good time to celebrate it. Bruce is still out of town so it was just Amy and Shane, Kevin and Stephanie, Kerry and the kids but we had a good time. We had the bash at the beach house.

They bought me a lovely pearl necklace and bracelet set which is unlike anything I've ever seen. Its really lovely. I also got an "Oregon Mom" t-shirt and Ryann made me a wonderful 'Happy Birthday Grandma" video. I'll try to download it. Be sure and note the evil little giggle at the end. (note: I tried to download but the file appears too be too large...sorry)

We went out to a nice dinner on Saturday and then Kev and Steph had to leave for other family commitments. The other kids stayed until Monday morning then headed back early to avoid traffic. I came home on Monday evening. I think we all had a good and relaxing time.