Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another day, another ending

I've been in Vancouver, Washington all week watching Ben and Ryann. I couldn't watch them at my house because they have summer soccer camp in the evening, so here I am. I haven't been home for more than a minute or two in weeks and that seems to be working fine for me.

It's really amazing how little a person can get done when they aren't in their own home. I did my laundry yesterday but otherwise I've been footloose and fancy free to watch tv or read all I want. I've been watching the old Roswell series about teenage aliens set in the late '90's. I had seen the series when it was broadcast but I'm amazed at how much I forgot. I think I have a crush on an alien. It's been fun to watch, and I'm on season 2 now. I think it only ran 2.5 seasons, so my fun will soon come to an end - as all things must.

I also finished a book Kevin and Stephanie got me for my birthday. It was about 2 best friends and all the ups and downs of friendship. In the end the 'good' friend dies and the selfish one steps up to the plate. It was a good story and had me bawling my eyes out, hoping no one would hear me sobbing. It really touched a nerve. The good friend ends up with cancer and fights the good fight all the way to the end. Even after death her essence lingers on. I think any essence I have left will go with me when I go.

Sophie and Jubie will be here in Vancouver this afternoon. They have been staying with Steph's parents while Kevin and Stephanie are in Austin, Texas checking out the area for a possible job/move. Her parents are leaving for a trip, so I'll have the girls here with me for a day, then I'll take them back to their house on Friday afternoon. I'll probably stay there Friday night since Kevin and Stephanie aren't expected home until late. Saturday morning I'll probably check for mail in Salem, then head back out to the beach.

I have all my painting supplies with me, so perhaps I'll do some painting next week. I've been looking for some inspiration, but I haven't found any. Summer at the beach is a little different than the rest of the time because of the constantly changing faces of the tourists. Traffic is bad, especially on weekends, so my errands will have to be walking ones unless I decide to face the masses. The walk to the library is about a mile, so its a nice jaunt. And of course there is always the beach to walk. I like to put an audio book on my ipod and just walk and walk.

I seem to be rambling a lot, so I guess I'll close this for now.

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