Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Since my actual birthday falls on an inconvenient weekend, the kids decided that Memorial Day weekend would be a good time to celebrate it. Bruce is still out of town so it was just Amy and Shane, Kevin and Stephanie, Kerry and the kids but we had a good time. We had the bash at the beach house.

They bought me a lovely pearl necklace and bracelet set which is unlike anything I've ever seen. Its really lovely. I also got an "Oregon Mom" t-shirt and Ryann made me a wonderful 'Happy Birthday Grandma" video. I'll try to download it. Be sure and note the evil little giggle at the end. (note: I tried to download but the file appears too be too large...sorry)

We went out to a nice dinner on Saturday and then Kev and Steph had to leave for other family commitments. The other kids stayed until Monday morning then headed back early to avoid traffic. I came home on Monday evening. I think we all had a good and relaxing time.

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