Monday, September 20, 2010

Howdy, ya'll

I've been surprised at the lack of accent I've heard here in Texas. I expected to be 'howdied' all the time. However "ya'll" is still flourishing. Everyone says 'ya'll'...even the people with no other indication of accent. I find it comforting somehow.

This weekend Kevin was off, so we all went to downtown Austin. We  had planned to go to the capitol building but didn't manage it, but we did see the outside and it is very impressive. We also managed to make it to the Texas history museum, and the art museum. The Children's museum was a favorite stop of the little girls. This week Stephenie,the girls and I go to San Antonio for the day. I'll report back...

1 comment:

Amy Wilks said...

The river walk is supposed to be awesome...let me know - and pics of little girls please!