Saturday, October 24, 2009

Taking a break

I'll be taking a blog break for the next while. I'm not sure if/when I'll get back to it. Thanks for reading my rambling.


Friday, October 23, 2009


Arguing is pointless isn't it. Or is it? Is it better to get everything 'off your chest' so to speak, or is it better to bottle it all up. I've never been any good at arguing. I can usually see both sides of any question. That is my curse I guess. I know my point of view doesn't hold any more weight than the next persons does. But I've also noticed that processing disagreements or hurts takes a lot longer if you don't have some sort of outlet - whether it be an argument or some other way of working through something. Is it ever better to just walk away from a problem?

If you've ever had unfinished business, you know what I mean. It causes bitterness and unhappiness...not to mention headaches and (in some people) illness. What is my point in all this? I don't know.

It's pointless.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I just finished a painting of my nephews Ian and Cullen. I did it from a photograph that was taken in Tunisia several years ago. The photograph really spoke to me about the closeness of siblings. There is a connection you can't deny. The connection is there even when you don't see each other often as adults. I sent the painting to the family and I hope they'll enjoy it and remember - I'm just a beginner....


Monday, October 19, 2009

Dancing kites

Weekend-before-last we went to the beach. Some friends went with us and we took in the International Kite Festival in Lincoln City. Did you even know there were professional kite flyers? I may have missed my calling.

The attached video is a little hard to see, but the 3 red kites in the middle were all controled by one fellow. He had one kite controller in each hand and the third attached by a harness at his waist. The music is Georgia On My Mind. always.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I had a friend pass away a few weeks ago. She was ill for only a short time before she passed. Our lives have run sort of parallel for nearly 20 years. We are about the same age, same number of kids, grandkids and professional husbands. I've been thinking about it a lot and wondering how her family is coping. I remember how I felt when my mom died.

That brought along my next thoughts. I wonder what my kids and grands will remember about me. That I yelled too much or spanked too often, or will they remember that I never missed a school program or sporting event. Or will they remember that I worked different jobs while they were young in order to be near them. Will they remember my sense of adventure? That I flew planes? Or will they remember the Christmases and all the stuff I would get to try and make it a magical time for each of them. I tried really hard on Christamas to make each one unforgettable. Or will they remember the times when they were hurt or sick that I was there, I guess what I'm getting at is that I hope they know they are loved. Each kid, spouse and little kid.

I'm proud of my kids. They are all working hard at that business of work and family. Steve got a nice raise this week so he's doing well. Kevin is just months away from being able go out into the world with a MBA degree. My girls are doing well with thier business, and are hoping to make it into more. Both my girls are considering other options in life. That's a good thing.

I hope they remember my sense of humor, because I think they all have it to some degree. Most of all I hope they remember that I tried. I'm not always right but I've tried to do the right thing and when I failed that, I tried to learn from it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another bad day at Black Rock....

When I was in high school, my drama teacher liked to talk about the movie "Bad Day at Black Rock". He said it was the worst movie ever made. It may have been a bad film, but I sure like the title. It really rather says it all. At least to me.

I'm having a Black Rock day. I have a sinus headache and my kids are having car trouble. The program my daughters have asked me to help with runs about 6 minutes over the alloted time (which is 11 minutes - we have to shave off 1/3 of what has been done). We are working with teenagers on the program. The 'lead' didn't show up for rehearsal. That should explain much of my headache.

The leaves are turning and falling fast. Soon we'll be looking at another wet, dark and dreary northwest winter.

It is just one of those days where nothing is going as it's supposed to. I suppose we have those days (ok...months...years?) so that we can appreciate when things are going right. I sure hope that's true.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ian and Cullin with their greatest Aunt Debby and their favorite Aunt Judy.
(we both drilled these facts into them for hours.)

We were at a really yummy French restaurant in Georgetown. We had a great time.

Have you ever....?

Have you ever done something mean? Something really mean. Something mean JUST to be mean? I did today. It doesn't matter what it just was. For an easy-going person like myself (usually) it was very unusual. I suppose for some people it wouldn't be a big deal, but for me it is. My excuse is I was cranky and tired and needed to lash out. Having no other outlet I played the 'mean' card. The mean card is really ugly and I'm ashamed of myself, but you can't take mean back. Once its out there in the cosmos it's there forever. That is a moment of my life I can never get back. No 'do-overs'. Sometimes you can't even apologize.

Ah, well. All I can do is be better tomorrow.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mom n' Maddie

My brother Jim scanned (with help, he'll say) all the old family pictures mom and dad had. As long as I can remember the pics were in a bottom drawer of mom's dresser. The one to the right here are my granddaughters Maddie and Kerry Ryann. I think Maddie resembles my mother (below) so much it is startling. Mom was such a cutie and so is Maddie (and Ryann too of course), but mom and Maddie are so much alike!

These pics go with the previous post

Lancaster PA

Lori, Ian, Cullen and I took a day trip to Lancaster PA while I was visiting with them. We had a wonderful trip to Amish country. I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but I had a few surprises.

We left Maryland in the morning with Cole (Lori's dog) a little upset with us for leaving him yet again to his own devices. Cole is a black lab and truly a lover, not a fighter. He knows exactly the looks he needs to give to his family - just the proper amount of "sad-eye"- to get what he wants. It took all of 15 minutes to for him to get Auntie Deb figured out.'s true. I'm a sucker for "sad-eye". anyway, I digress. We made our way to Pennsylvania. Then we drove to Intercourse. Yes. Intercourse, Pennsylvania. Don't ask me why its named that. I don't want to speculate.

We drove around the back roads and looked at the wonderful farms in the area. It appeared to me that the Amish must believe that order and cleanliness are next to godliness, because each place had that well put together look. Well kept and clearly the result of hard work. The yards were especially beautiful and full of color. On the clotheslines next to the drab clothes, hung beautiful and colorful quilts.

We stopped at one farm that had a hand-painted sign "home-made root beer for sale". We asked the lady in the yard if we could buy some and she agreed. She looked to be about my age, but without a bit of make-up or vanity with her hair and clothing. I felt almost clown-like in comparison wearing my eyeshadow and colorful clothes. We also asked if it would be ok for us to take a picture of the barn with its rows and rows of hanging, drying tobacco. She said it would be fine, but not to take any pictures of the family. All during the exchange a young man had been standing by the door of the barn watching us. As soon as we pulled out our cameras he disappeared, as did his grandmother. She reappeared when we put our cameras away. We said goodbye and thank you and left. As we continued our drive around the countryside we saw horses pulling farm implements through the fields, sometime large teams of horses. I got a kick out of the traditional Amish horse carts that the people use to travel on errands. They actually share the road with the cars and the carts have turn signals! They follow all the rules of the road that cars do. The speed limit isn't a big issue for them though. The horses are beautiful and clearly well trained. They have a little trot that they do - kind of a high stepping trot - that results in the clop clop clop clop sound.

We stopped at a shopping area that sold all sorts of things and was probably 99.9% tourists - but it was fun and we got some awesome ice cream ("made from the milk of our own cows..."). Then we stopped at a family farm "store" that an enterprising Amish family had set up. The wares were mostly hand-made items or dried flowers, but some of them appeared to be garage sale items. The two little daughters of the family were manning the store, since mom was out in the field helping dad with the harvest. The little girls appeared to be about 4 and 9 years old. I couldn't help myself from winking at the 4-year-old and was rewarded with a new BFF. They were both adorable and tried very hard to serve our every need.

It was a full day and we were tired. As we traveled back to Maryland we decided to stop at a Cracker Barrel for dinner. We knew we had passed one on our ways TO Pennsylvania so we watched for the signs. I think Lori was getting hungry at this point because she kept saying "there it is!" when we would come across a similarly colored sign. Finally we were rewarded with the correct sign and pulled off . It was on the other side of the freeway and down a winding road, but we found it. I won't mention how Lori made the turn on two wheels when it looked like we might miss it. The boys and I were very happy when we parked. (I have to harass Lori a's my job.) We had a hardy meal and some fun shopping, then headed back to the freeway. Cole was very glad to see us when we returned home.

I'm having some trouble posting pictures so I'll do that separately.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Art Is Subjective...

I've been staring at my painting desk for a day and a half now trying to get up the gumption to get busy. I have so many different pictures in my mind. I also have a half dozen unfinished pictures next to the table.


One of the paintings is of a building in Pittsburgh where my son went to school. It has turned out to be a thorn in my side. How many freaking windows can one building have??? I just realized while looking at it is that I never determined where the sun (light) was coming from. That is very important when you are painting to help make the flat painting (whatever your subject is) look dimensional.

Another painting is one I started as a study in shape. The idea is to use an item you are unfamiliar with that has a lot of dimension and work it into a painting. This particular one is of a clarinet on a table. It is sitting on top of several sheets of music. The entire painting has a golden glow, but somehow it just doesn't look right. It's as if I'm missing a lot of the story. Technically speaking, it is probably one of my best paintings, but something just isn't right. I can tell it's not right but I can't seem to fix it. My frustration is great. When I get frustrated I get angry. When I get angry I tend to do dumb things. This one may end up in the trash. I suppose that's dumb but I don't see any way out of it. It will just never look right to me.

The other option with these paintings that don't work for me is to start something new on the back side of the paper. That idea is looking better and better each day.

Maybe I should stick with making jewelry....