Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fixed Enough...

OK, thanks to my son Kevin I've quit tearing out my hair. He sent me to a website that will do your conversions for free then they send them back to you. Good enough for now.

I had a flu-thing over the weekend so I'm not up to snuff yet, but I'll get back to my painting soon. Steve says the eyes are not right yet either on my painting of Ceddie, so I'll work on those. Sometimes you just have to step away from something to see the value in it. I was close to tossing the whole thing and throwing my paints out along with my computer. I don't deal with frustration well. The older I get the less tolerance I have. I suppose we should enjoy the crumbs along with the cookies.

I did a little Christmas shopping yesterday. I really hate Christmas shopping...have I ever mentioned that? I do it...but I hate it. I only have 16 more people to worry about. Maybe I should get a calendar out and allot each person a day here and there and focus on one at a time.


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