Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Twilight-New Moon

Amy and Kerry along with a friend, hosted a movie night with a local theatre in Vancouver. They rented the entire facility for a preview showing of the new movie from the Twilight series. It was fun going to this place because they have 'living room' type seating as well as the fact they will come to you, take your food order - then bring it to you. What could be better?

The movie was good. I have to say I liked it. Of course when one of the main characters took off his shirt (and he has CLEARLY been working out!) the mostly female group went a little wild. Also the fact that this series has strong connections with the northwest is fun, too.

At one point the main characters break up. The guy decides (on his own) it's in every one's best interest for them to be apart. The fact that he is a vampire I'm sure has some bearing on that decision. The female has no recourse. He made the decision and she must live with it the best she can. She doesn't do well. The director did a good job of showing her emotional breakdown over a period of months. Her self-imposed isolation is her way of dealing with loss. She is suicidal and takes unusual risks, because she doesn't care what the outcome is. But then slowly she begins to come out of her shell and tries valiantly to make connections with friends and perhaps a new love-interest, but He is never far from her thoughts.

Of course at the end, he realizes what an idiot he has been and they get back together (not before she saves his butt) -this is still Hollywood and fiction after all. As with most series of this type you are left wanting more. I'm afraid I've been sucked in.

Angst, never-ending love, drama and a little comedy thrown in to keep it interesting. Yup...someone has the formula.

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