Saturday, February 20, 2010

Flowers, Airports and Zombies

Wow, I haven't written for a good while. I have a ton of things on my mind, but starting to write at midnight is probably not the best time to begin the process.

Kevin, Stephanie, Kerry and the girls and I spent last weekend at the beach. Bruce stayed home to recuperate from the flu. We had a quiet time, but its always fun to be together. We played a lot of Wii and watched some movies. Probably the best movie we watched was called "Zombieland'. After I got over the initial shock of bodies being blown to bits I was able to relax and enjoy the macabre humor. There is a set of rules for living in Zombieland that I will discuss at another time. They are wise words indeed.

Kevin was the perfect Valentine and got all of us girls some candy and flowers. (see photo above) It was a lovely surprise to wake up to.
On Wednesday I had to go up to Vancouver to get my haircut. I spent a little time with my daughters and did a little shopping. As I was starting home I called Bruce to see if he still was planning to pick up an associate who was coming into Portland Airport from Taiwan. He said he was, but not until later. I started home (about an hour away) and got maybe 10 miles down the road when Bruce called saying he had made a mistake and the fellow was arriving in less that 20 minutes! Since Bruce was still so far away, I turned around and headed for the airport. Since I had never met the fellow I was a little concerned about finding him. I parked the car and headed for the gate I expected him to arrive at. Using Bruce's description, I waited and waited. No luck. Finally I headed down to the luggage area, hoping to find him there. I started asking each Asian man I saw if he was" Mr. so and so" and got a lot of blank stares. Finally I saw a fellow who had on a baseball cap. I took a shot and it was him! I was very relieved to find him. I apologized for being the one to pick him up and all, but it worked out fine. He was very nice and we had a lovely conversation on the drive home. Even though he is Taiwanese, he was educated at Cornell University here in the States, so his English was great. Thank Goodness! Bruce met us at the hotel his associate was staying at and got him settled while I came on home. I'm not sure, but I think I get some major brownie points for this one...somewhere.
Well, its late. I will write more soon but I want to leave you with one of the rules of Zombieland. Rule #1: Cardio. Be sure you stay fit so you can outrun the Zombies.
With that word of wisdom, I bid you goodnight.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

I haven't written for awhile because nothing (except rain...shocker!) is going on around here. I've barely left the house for two weeks, except for a few craft store runs. Yawn! I could make something up about the craft store, but I'm afraid I'll get in trouble for that. Bruce is home with the flu today. Nothing worse than a sick guy who rarely gets sick.

I have been toying with the idea of a fictional story I'd like to write. So far I have my heroine (a 9 year old girl who looks I just need a big event to carry through the story and I haven't come up with that yet. I've written and rewritten the opening lines several times in my mind. Maybe as I write it I'll ask for input from all of you. Or maybe I'll just keep thinking about it a few more decades.

Somehow I got sucked into making slankets (like the "Snuggli" blanket with arms as seen on TV) for various members of my family. I'm up to about 6 now. It's not cheaper to make them instead of buying them. The only advantage to making them is you can do so with a variety of patterns and colors unavailable in the ready-made version. I suppose long after the fad of these things is over, my kids can look at theirs and remember that Mama/Grandma made them especially for them.

I'm hoping to spend the long weekend at the beach. Kevin and Stephanie and the girls are coming, and perhaps Kerry. Bruce is iffy at this point. But I'm going anyway. I need to get out of Dodge. At least at the beach I can look out the window at my favorite spot (the ocean) and watch the waves and the occasional whale. Hopefully the weather will be good enough to try out my new kite. Its a plane.

One of these days I should write about my time as a pilot. Perhaps I will. I used to have tons of pictures of myself, my plane, and pictures of the area from 5000 feet. Sadly, they are still sitting on my old hard drive. The one from the old computer...that died a grizzly death. But, I digress...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

From the Ground Up

I got part of the roof on my dollhouse shingled today and some of the finish pieces done. I'm doing it like a do most projects of this sort...kinda upside down and backwards...but that's my way. I'll post a picture soon. Its already developing all sorts of character. Its yellow with white trim and a brick foundation. I've built some furniture for the inside, but most of it will have to wait until the outside is done....then I'll wallpaper and do all sorts of things to it.

For some unknown reason I found myself thinking about all the people I've met in my life. Since we lived in so many states after Bruce started working for the Federal Government, I've met many people in every place we've lived. It's funny how you feel at the time like some special friends will be your forever friends, but then move away - lose contact - and that's the end of it.

Maybe its Facebook and other internet sites that have made me start thinking about this. I've found a few lost cousins and friends on Facebook and made contact, but there are so many others out there that I don't have a clue about, or the slightest idea on where to start - or what to say if I find them.

I'm rambling now. It must be time for bed.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Add your comments

I added some boxes that should appear at the bottom of each post. You can vote (anonymously) on what you think of each post. At least, I THINK that's what will happen. You can also leave comments (which I love to read).If you have trouble leaving your own comments, I believe that you have to have a gmail address. You can keep this anonymous also if you like.

My blog counter (see that box on the left of your screen with numbers?) does give me isp addresses of people who have visited the blog, but that is pretty vague information-just a bunch of numbers usually. If you've ever wondered what your isp address is, send me a note telling me when you looked and I'll tell you what your isp address is. If you use a wi-fi setup, the address will change each least that's my understanding. But I really don't understand this stuff.

It also occurs to me that some people (like my brothers or children for instance) may want to write something here now and again without having to commit to a blog of their own. Either to clarify some detail I've totally messed up, or just to add a thought. I'd be more than happy to post those things.

If all else fails and you still want to leave a comment, send it to either or

Its always good to get feedback-good, bad or indifferent. Thanks folks.

Love, Deb