Saturday, October 16, 2010

Indian Marbles

My friend Debi came over to Lincoln City to visit with me yesterday. I was anxious to show her my secret sea garden, so at low tide we started the hike down the beach. Sadly, yesterday's low tide wasn't low enough and my garden was under water. Dang!

Anyway, during my forays around the area I've learned about Moqui stones. Also known as Indian Marbles, these pea to baseball sized round stones are reputed to be thousands of years old and purported to have mystical properties. Another name for them is Shaman Stones. They are supposedly only found in a few areas of the world, but we have a spot right here in Lincoln City. Here is a little of the information I've found on the net about them.

"Moqui Marbles, named after the Moqui Indians who often inhabited the lands in which they were originally found. Many people, including Native Americans, call these marbles Shaman Stones” as they are a great metaphysical aid.

Shaman Stones have been used for centuries by Shamans and mystics, helping them to connect with the energies of their ancestors.

These Moqui Marbles absorb negative energies, transmuting them into the positive. They are also a natural healing stone, as they aid energy in flowing up the spinal column.

Mochi Balls protect when placed in ones environment and the energy is similar to being around a good friend.

Shaman stones can wonderful used in medicine pouches, and these are a high quality Moqui...they are quite beautiful.

Moqui's are dramatically going up in price, and this Amulet is quite unusual!

These are rounded ranging in size from 1/2 inch to just under one inch in diameter. They come from the Navajo formation, Southern Utah."
Fun stuff, huh? Here is a pic I took with my phone (my camera battery is dead again). Next time you see me I'll probably be wearing them in a little bag around my neck!

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