Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday morning in Vancouver Washington

So I had a some free time this weekend and decided to come up to Vancouver and watch Ben and Ryann's soccer games. Wow! What a difference a few weeks made. While they've always been good players, you couldn't really say they were star quality...for heaven's sake - they're little kids! (8 and 10 years old). But after watching them this weekend its just stunning to me how quickly kids grow and learn.

Ben has always been a pretty laid-back player. While he was good, it was clear he didn't fully care about the games he played so much as the socializing that could take place. While he still is a social-being, his game awareness has at least tripled in the last few weeks. It's like a light switch has been tripped in his brain. He has become aware that the goal is...well...the goal. He has realized the potential in his long legs and that by taking longer steps a little faster he can travel several times the distance. He looks ahead when he has the ball and either dribbles it or finds another player to pass to, always with the goal being the final destination. He had a header ball on Saturday that just missed the goal, but it was still a dramatic play. He has grown so much! His team won easily.

Ryann seems to be finding her nitch as a goalie. She shows no fear in going for the ball. She has developed a second sense (and is continuing to develop) where the plays will be made and in being there to thwart the other team. A lot of the game on Saturday took place on her side of the field. While one goal did manage to make it past her (hey! It was raining cats and dogs!) she made at least 12 'saves'. Her teammates were able to score on the other team and they won the game.

Watching these two makes me sad I haven't been able to watch some of the other kids in their games. Maddie is becoming a great softball player and I haven't been able to see one game! I'm going to rectify that situation when her next season starts. It makes me so proud to watch my grands do well in their chosen endeavors - whether it be a sport or school, dance, art....whatever. They are all such great kids. I'm so proud all eight of them are mine!

1 comment:

Amy Wilks said...

That is super sweet!