Friday, November 20, 2009

The Girls and the Boys...

Kerry pointed out last night that I rarely talk about her and Amy in my blog. I do of course, but I've never focused on them as subjects. Actually, I never have focused on any of my children. I was thinking about that on the a drive home from Vancouver last night where we went to see a movie after watching Ben's school play. He did a FABULOUS job by the way - he's very poised on stage. He had one of the largest speaking parts and had his lines down better than anyone else. Amy said he learned his lines all himself, without any help. He's a self-starter. That's good. Very good.

I've worked on short outlines in my head for each of my kids, rather like what I did about my brothers - but I've never been able to put them down on paper. They are way too complex to confine to a few pages. For the most part, my life with my brothers took place when I was a child and young mother. We moved away from California at that time and my times with them from that point have been infrequent and always as 'the visiting sibling', never in context as being a part of my normal day-to-day routine. The stories and memories are not complete of course, but they are still somewhat compartmentalized. (is that making sense? probably not...)

My kids stories change from day-to-day. What seems terribly important today may not even be a part of the story as a whole in a few months or years. Perhaps if I can look at them in smaller time increments I'll be better able to capsulize them. I'll have to consider that idea. As for today, they will have to be content with the knowledge that their mom loves them with all her heart. She is proud of the things they have overcome, and of their achievements. She tends to forget the times when their choices may not have been in line with the ones she would have chosen for them. She is constantly in wonder at what will happen next with them and wants only happiness for them. She is in a constant state of 'hope' for them. To this point, they have done pretty great. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us. We'll just have to wait for the next chapters to unfold.



Unknown said...

Your kids have every right to be angry with you since you even wrote about their cousin Joe before they recieved much press! However I did enjoy the story about me much more.
Keep it up Aunt Debbie.
Love Joe, (apparently the more favored one of the family!)

Debby said...

Why of course you're the favorite...didn't you know that?