Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tornados? In Oregon?

Yes its true. We had another tornado in Oregon. This time it was on the Oregon coast, about a mile from my house. I had heard that there was one but I didn't really expect much damage. I decided it would be a good idea though to go check my house. So yesterday I drove out. There was no real damage to my house other than a little water in the basement and some flashing clocks (apparently the power went out). So I decided since I was there to do a little scouting around. I arrived at the photographed scenes above about the same time as news vans from the local major news stations. I think we were all a little surprised. Usually these reports are much-ado-about-nothing.

One house is almost completely distroyed. Another sustained major deck damage in that the second floor deck is now sitting in the driveway on its side. There were many broken windows and much debris had been tossed about. Wow. Can you say "global warming"?


Kerry and Amy said...

Dude, that is CRAZY!!!! Glad our Hi-zouse is OK

Kevin said...

A twister?!? That is just not right.

Will & Cheyenne said...

That is a little nerve racking! Glad your house fared okay!