Friday, October 1, 2010

The Visit

My twin brother Dave and his wife Fran recently made a trip to Oregon. The visit was primarily to watch their oldest grandson Spenser play football and basketball. Since he’s a senior in high school this is his last year so the timing was important. The bonus for me was an overnight visit from them and Fran’s daughter Jodi and Jodi’s younger son, Peyton (age 5).

I love having people visit at the beach, because there is plenty of room for them to be comfortable in the house and a ton of activities and things to see along the coast.

They arrived late in the afternoon on Saturday. We had dinner at one of my favorite places The Blackfish CafĂ©. The food is extraordinary there. It’s a tiny bit spendy, but oh so worth it. We spent the remainder of the evening visiting.

The next day I took them on a walk to my secret sea garden. I’ve written about it recently, but this was the first time I’ve been able to share it with anyone. We went at low-tide which is the only time many parts of it are accessible. I hope they were just as enchanted as I always am when I go there.

At one point, David felt natures call and found a large rock to go behind to answer. Peyton went with him and said ‘Grampa that’s gross!” Dave explained that sometimes its necessary and they were discreet, plus the sea would be coming in soon to clean the area so it was ok. Peyton seemed to accept this answer.

A few minutes later Payton and I were climbing on some rocks. We were both engrossed in our search for moqui’s (a.k.a. Indian marbles) so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to him. I heard Jodi yell “Peyton!” and I looked and he had decided he too needed to answer natures call…the only problem was he wasn’t as…uh…discreet as his grandpa had been. He had ‘dropped trou’ at the top of the rock I was on and was letting go. Unfortunately (for me) I was ‘down-rock’ and found I could move MUCH faster than I ever realized. He’ll work on those tiny details as he gets older, I’m sure.

By the time we got back to the house it was time for lunch so we went to another of my favorite places The Inn at Spanish Head. The restaurant there is called “Fathoms”. The neat thing about the inn is that it is built right on the cliff of the beach. The restaurant is on the 10th floor so you have an amazing view of the ocean as you eat. The food is also very good so it’s a win-win.

After lunch we did a little sightseeing and spent some time flying kites on the beach. We tried to cram an awful lot of stuff into a short visit, but I’m hopeful they will come again. They had to leave in the afternoon because Monday was going to be Peyton’s first day of Kindergarten! I hope that went well for him, he’s a delightful little guy.

I’ve now had two brothers, a niece, nephew and a few friends visit me at the beach. I need more company, so you all talk amongst yourselves and make a plan to visit me soon.

 Dave flying a kite
 Dave, Jodi, Fran and Peyton
nearing the secret sea garden

1 comment:

Amy Wilks said...

I like the pics!