Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is the week over yet?

Son Kevin has had the week from Hell...and its only Tuesday.

Sunday, with a record cold front in Oregon - his home heating system went down. Turns out the problem is a part that has to be ordered (of course) and won't be available until Wednesday. Hopefully that willl fix it. We have plenty of room and heat here at my house so the whole family came here. Its been like an extended slumber party so far. The girls are having a great time.

Monday as Stephanie was driving from one school to another for her teaching job, she was overcome with the smell of gasoline and fumes. She called Kevin who had already left for school in Eugene (75 miles away) and he turned around and changed cars with her. He took the sick car straight to the dealer where they were able to fix it. Not cheaply of course.

Since it was too late for him to go to school, he decided to study for his final exam scheduled for today (Tuesday). The exam was open-book and open-Internet and was expected to be brutal. When he sat down to study he realized his wi-fi card in his laptop wasn't working so he took it to the Apple store to have it looked at. It needs to have a new card installed. It'll take several days and the laptop needs to be sent away. The machine has a very nice one year warranty. He's owned it for one year and two weeks. He has a lot of material on the laptop so he decided to use it anyway and took my little notebook computer to act as his emergency Internet access.

He managed to get through the exam ok. After speaking to his classmates it was pretty clear that it was a very difficult exam. Not one person managed to complete it. Kevin feels OK about how he did, so that's good.

After his final, he decided to go home and check his house. It was 41 degrees inside. Luckily no pipes have frozen (yet) so if the heater is fixed on Wednesday as promised he may get through the rest of the week with no new disasters. He did have a scare with a leaky pipe, but it turned out to be unrelated to the freezing weather and he was able to fix it. It's supposed to get down to 10 degrees tonight. I'm sure everything will be fine.


I mean it.

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