Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wow...this is a busy time of year. It takes so much energy and time - then its over in a few hours. I was thinking about this today as I was hanging out of a tree trying really hard to reach a place I shouldn't have been trying to reach. One of these days I'm going to have to realize I'm not 16 anymore and either give up on those unreachable things or...or...or what? I guess just give up.

My studio is a mess. I can call it a studio now because I have a corner set up just for painting. It was my office before, but studio sounds so bohemian. I like that idea. I'm going to start wearing only overalls and caftans and use words that don't really mean anything. I'm going to search for the 'truth' in my art. Or not...

Yeah, that's a bit much even for me.

Somewhere in my house I have a box with lots and lots of smaller boxes of lights in it. I remember putting it away last year when I put away the Christmas decorations. It's no where to be found now. I suspect its in the same hiding place as the mate to my best socks. It might also be in the same place as my winter gloves. Dang it, I know I had some...

Ah well, I'm rambling more than usual so it must be time to close.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all - Good night.

Love, Deb

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