Friday, December 25, 2009

It's Over

I did it. I survived another Christmas. I only made a few mistakes. I cooked 2 Christmas dinners and then played the "fix-your-own-there-are-lots-of-leftovers" card after that. I plan to play that card for the next several days. I successfully shopped for and delivered presents for the 16 people on my immediate family list, and only one or two items need to be returned for size or style correction. All in all, I have to say the day is declared a success. Nobody got sick (yet) or had to go to the emergency room for stitches. Maybe I should knock on wood or something.

I can hardly wait to get it all put away. I absolutely hate having Christmas decorations up after Christmas. Even a few days makes me antsy. I do have a few simple sewing projects yet to finish, but they aren't a big rush. I have to admit I do have a bit of the after-party letdown...maybe even the blues. Maybe its because January is typically SO incredibly boring in Oregon. At least the boredom will be taken away for a short while during my brother Jim's visit the second week of January. That'll be fun to catch up and enjoy some time together.

I don't know what in the world I'll do when my grandkids are past the toy stage. I won't have any excuse to get down on the floor and check out the toys. I got Sophie and Juliet a doll house that I'm just itching to play with. I've found that to be the key with my grands. Find a toy that I want to play with and they'll like it too. Usually I score a win with that philosphy.

Its getting late now. I'd better try to get some rest. Our big football game (Rose Bowl- Oregon vs. Ohio) will be on New Year's day so we are all looking forward to that.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all joy and happiness in the New Year.

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